Welcome to CelluWare Laboratory Limited (Cell-Lab) 3TIS - ITS Services.
Cell-Lab is a digital wireless network operator, an ITS services provider - a Cellular, GIS, telemetry, real-time GPS vehicle tracking & fleet management service provider, real-time traffic detection & info & dynamic car navigation system provider, an ITS techonology provider and developer.
The Cell-Lab/3TIS Services Provision & Serving Sectors Overview |
The company concerns about the automatic vehicle locationing (AVLS), Intelligent Transport Services (ITS), real-time road traffic detection and information provision and dynamic car navigation. The Cell-Lab - 3TIS network, is a server and network center capable of GPS vehicle tracking & real-time traffic services in Hong Kong and in the world - a virtual global system. |
The Cell-Lab - 3TIS service / applications include both the public and private sectors in the area of transportation, logistics, real-time road traffic info for vehicle on the road. The 3TIS services is not only applicable to and operation in Hong Kong, but also China or any other place where GSM is available / covered. |
Product and Services
Product Application Samples
Users and customers equipped with the (A) Real-Time Vehicle Control centers (RTVCs); and/or (B) the Real Time Traffic Information Systems (RTISs); are thus capable of, via the 3TIS network & servers, (1) tracking, monitoring, control and managing their vehicles in real time; and (2) real time road traffic detection and information provision and (3) dynamic car navigation. In addition, multimedia ITS info access (email, pager, mobile phone & SMS, voice access) had been made available as a value added customer services provision. |
The Existing developd services & application of the 3TIS systems include (1) the GPS vehicle tracking and dispatching, (2) journey time indication system (JTIS) (adopted & used by the HKSAR Government for more than 8 years), (3) location GPS based RFID electronic lock (E-lock) / seal security systems for supply chain logistics (Hong Kong Customs and Exercise Department (C&ED) accredited E-Lock and GPS equipment supplier), (4) bus fleet management and passenger information systems and bus arrival time information; (5) real time road traffic detection and information provision, and (6) dynamic car navigation. In addition, various customized applicaitons can be further tailored made by order according to user specific requiements. |
The Celluware Research Laboratory Limited (including its servants, staffs and agents) makes no warranty, statement or representation, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information, contained herein, and in so far as permitted by law, shall not have any legal liability or responsibility (including liability for negligence) for any loss, damage, or injury (including death) which may result, whether directly or indirectly, from the supply or use of such information. |
Copyrights 1999 CelluWare Research Laboratory Limited All rights reserved |